Innovative Dysphagia Treatment Based on Data Analysis

*Dysphagia: A condition characterized by difficulty in swallowing food
RS REHAB develops dysphagia treatment devices that incorporate a patented technology called  the sequential electrical stimulation fitting algorithm, enabling patients with swallowing difficulties to swallow food immediately upon use
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A hip dislocation prevention solutiondesigned by a rehabilitation medicine specialist

RS REHAB is the world's first to prevent the progression of hip dislocation in children with severe cerebral palsy using a non-surgical approach while providing additional therapeutic functions
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Clinical Research Participating Institutions

Dysphagia Treatment Solution

RS REHAB offers a total dysphagia treatment solution through the analysis, treatment, and monitoring of collected medical data from patients with swallowing disorders


  • Voice of a patient with dysphagia before and after swallowing
  • VFSS video of a patient with dysphagia


  • Machine learning analysis of collected audio/visual data


  • Induction of food swallowing
  • Continuous dysphagia rehabilitation


  • Self-diagnosis of food swallowing
  • Continuous management of dysphagia condition

Medical device that assists in swallowing food

RS-STIM is a medical device that uses sequential electrical stimulation to exercise the patient's swallowing muscles in the same manner as when swallowing food, thereby assisting the patient in swallowing food.

RS-STIM image

Dysphagia condition monitoring medical device

With RS-DETECTION, the patient's dysphagia condition can be assessed through the analysis of their pre-meal and post-meal voice.

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VFSS video analysis medical software

AKAS-01 is a medical software that strategically interprets the patient's dysphagia condition through the analysis of VFSS videos.

RS-STIM image

Hip Dislocation Prevention Solution

The hip dislocation prevention solution for patients with severe cerebral palsy proposed by RS REHAB

Child with severe cerebral palsy /
Muscular dystrophy

Hip dislocation

Hip dislocation prevention /
Therapeutic effect /
Postural correction effect

Medical device for preventing hip dislocation

RS-HIPBRACE is a medical device designed to prevent and aid in the treatment of hip dislocations in children with severe cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy.

RS-Protecthip image

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